It's all happening. It's been a blazin' summer up here in the Okanagan and Similkameen, and we're starting to see the literal fruits of our labour begin to form. Pictured above is Gewürztraminer as of this morning from our Mt. Boucherie Estate Vineyard in West Kelowna, a splash of which goes into our *ahem* 92-point Wine Align Gold Medal winning Rosé.
With very little precipitation, no smoke or fires to speak of (yet?!), and temperatures that have been warm but not so scorching that vines have shut down, things are on track for a healthy season...for now. We all know this can change in a heartbeat so as all farmers do, we're crossing our fingers for a smooth home stretch through the rest of the summer and into the harvest season.
Here's to smooth sailing from here on out!
Jeff Hundertmark, Winemaker
July 17th, 2023